Benefits of Eating Tomatoes

Beauty and Skin Care

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C

, which is a reducing agent that can reduce the formation of melanin and lighten spots. In addition to skin care, it is also very helpful to repair wounds, because the wound healing process needs to be filled with collagen, and vitamin C can promote collagen production.

Maintain heart health

When the body's sodium concentration is high, it may increase the blood volume and increase the burden on the heart, or cause abnormal sympathetic nerves and increase blood pressure. The simple way to lower blood pressure is to eat more foods containing potassium ions.

Tomatoes have a high potassium content. In 100 grams of tomatoes, there are an average of 217 mg of potassium ions. In addition, the lycopene and nicotinic acid contained in tomatoes can maintain the elasticity of the blood vessel wall, which is also helpful for protecting the cardiovascular system and preventing hard arteries.

Protect eyesight

In addition to lycopene, tomatoes also contain lutein and β-carotene. These nutrients help protect the eyes and prevent some eye diseases.

Lower blood sugar

The lycopene in tomatoes can inhibit the rise of blood sugar, and tomatoes are rich in vitamin C. A study by the University of Wenzhou and Science suggested that diabetic patients drink 200 ml of tomato juice a day, which can improve blood vessel conditions and control blood sugar.

5. Prevent cancer

Studies have analyzed how non-starchy vegetables and their nutrients affect the risk of cancer, and tomatoes are non-starchy vegetables. Some evidence with a certain degree of credibility believes that non-starchy vegetables reduce the risk of oral cancer, pharyngeal cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, lung cancer, gastric cancer, and colorectal cancer.